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kangxi emperor中文是什么意思

用"kangxi emperor"造句"kangxi emperor"怎么读"kangxi emperor" in a sentence


  • 康熙帝
  • 康熙皇帝
  • 清圣祖
  • 玄烨


  • Hope for the unity of monarchism and statesmanship : on cheng - zhu ' s neo - confucianism as orthodox state ideology of the kangxi emperor ' s cultural choice
  • It was been build for the 6th daughter of kangxi emperor in the gui hua city of qing dynasty , building standard was equal to the marquis mansion
  • After kangxi emperor and qianlong emperor , gannan ' s tobacco production was quickly developed and become the main industry of region economy and the dependence of making a living for gannan ' s people
  • During the reign of the kangxi emperor 1662 - 1722 and the qianlong emperor 1736 - 1795 , new year prints depicting local operas became popular , perhaps because of the greater stability and prosperity of the times
  • During the reign of the kangxi emperor ( 1662 - 1722 ) and the qianlong emperor ( 1736 - 1795 ) , new year prints depicting local operas became popular , perhaps because of the greater stability and prosperity of the times
用"kangxi emperor"造句  
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